Layout Editor

What is Layout Editor?

If you want to change floating windows layout, use Layout Editor.
You can open it from Reminder, Clock, Stopwatch or Timer Settings windows, just click Edit layout link.

Using Layout Editor you can define which information should be displayed on a floating window (years or minutes; weeks and days - any combination is possible to display).
For example, default layout for a Stopwatch floating window is:

By default a Stopwatch displays a Title ("stopwatch"), Captions (f.hours, min, sec) and Data Panel (it contains Full fours, Minutes and Seconds).
If you don't need Full hours to be displayed, you can change Stopwatch layout, just delete Full Hours panel in Layout Editor:


Layout Editor areas

There are a few areas on the Layout Editor window (see screenshot below):
Editor - this is the area, where you can add, delete and move items
Preview - in this are you can see the result
Add predefined set - you can use the list of predefined sets to add groups of items
Add item - use this area to add single items
Caption panels - use this area to hide/show captions (captions are: hour, min, sec etc.) and to define captions' positions (top or bottom).
Data panels - use this area to change time, date separators and to define amount of positions for data (Example: by default, hours use 2 positions when displaying and Complete Numbers With = 0 - see screenshot below. So, if there are 17 hours left till some event, the countdown will display 17; if there are 3 hours left, the countdown will display 03).

How to use Layout Editor

Deleting items: To delete an item, first select it in the Editor area using the Mouse, then press Delete button or Delete key (on the keyboard).

Change item's position: To change item's position, click on the item in the Editor area with the left Mouse button, then drag the item and drop it in a position you need.

Adding items: The easiest way to add items is to use Add Predefined Set area - select a Predefined Set, you want to add, and click Add button. To add single items use items palette (Add Item area).
The list of single items:
- Title. This item is used to define the position of title.
- Grouping panel. This panel is used to place items like years, months etc.
- Years. This item is used to define the position of years.
- Days after full weeks are calculated (see detailed explanation below, under Hints)
- Date separator. Date separator item is used to define the position only, but not the date separator symbol itself. So, if your data separator symbol is "-", the floating panel will display "-", but not "/". Use the Preview area to see what is your current date separatorsymbol.
- Time separator. Time separator item is used to define the position only, but not the time separator symbol itself. So, if your time separator symbol is different from ":", the floating panel will display the actual symbol, but not ":". Use the Preview area to see what is your current time separator symbol.
- Blank separator (space).
- AM/PM (for clocks only).This item is used to define the position of AM/PM item.

Hints: there is a group of hints on the Layout Editor window (YYYY - years, MM - months, etc.). Hints remind you what all the short names mean.
YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss - years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Example: If you want to see how many years, months and days left till the event, just add YYYY, MM and DD panels.
F.MM, F.DD, f.hh,, - full months, full days, full hours and full seconds.
Example: If you don't want years to be displayed then just remove YYYY and MM panels and place F.MM instead. If there is 1 year (YYYY) and 3 months (MM) left till the event then in F.MM will display 15 months (full months), where F.MM = YYYY * 12 + MM.
F.WW, DD(W) - full weeks and days left after weeks.
Example: If there is 1 months (30 days) and 7 days left till some event, then F.WW = 5 and DD(W) = 2.
DD(W) mean Amount Of Days left till the event after Weeks Amount is calculated.

Saving changes: To save changes - press OK button; to discard changes - press Cancel.


Additional functionality

You can access Layout settings by clicking any link in the Caption panels or Data panels sections (see the Layout Editor image above). This will bring up Layout settings window, which contains three tabs: Captions, Numbers and Separators.

Captions tab: here you can show/hide captions (year, month, day etc.), define caption positions (top or bottom) and define captions text.
Numbers tab: here you can define data size.
Separators tab: here you can define date and time separators.

To restore default settings, click Restore button.